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Explore Beyond Captive Portals

Experience the future of Guest and Corporate WiFi with WifiGem. Engineered for scalability and adaptability, our solution seamlessly integrates into any existing network infrastructure. Say goodbye to traditional barriers and hello to a new paradigm in connectivity.

How it Works

Access WiFi

When guests connect to your WiFi, they'll see a page with your brand name and logo. Here, you can show information about your business and encourage them to visit your website.

Free WiFi available. Click to connect

Login Page

They are redirected to the Captive Portal login page, featuring a layout and login options of your choice: Username, Password, Anonymous login, Social Media, etc.

Login with username/password or with your Social Media account


Upon successful login, guests are granted access to the internet and can begin their session. Their access is restricted based on their Captive Portal profile and the Web Filter.

Login successful. Wait to be redirected to the page you requested.


Real-time monitoring of connections is available on the Dashboard. If a guest logs in using their Social Media account, their public profile information is captured and stored in the system.

WifiGem Dashboard example 1
WifiGem Dashboard example 2
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Build your Guest WiFi solution in a few steps

    Whether or not you have a WiFi network, setting up WifiGem is straightforward and you'll immediately benefit from the advantages of a Captive Portal: be in control of your guest WiFi and know who is using it. You can decide about access time, duration, frequency, maximum download and much more.


    Enable Social Media Login. Guests will be able to login with their Social account and you are free from the obligation of creating accounts in advance. User information is automatically retrieved from their Social profile and can be viewed through the Dashboard.


    Safe browsing is essential when offering free WiFi in a public space. The built-in Web Filter can block known dangerous HTTP websites and allows you to create a black and a white list for HTTP and HTTPS websites.

Flexible and Scalable

    Not just for WiFi. Thanks to the built-in Virtual Access Point, you can offer the Captive Portal service to wired devices. Connect your LAN to the second network adapter of the WifiGem server and all devices in that LAN will be subject to Captive Portal authentication. Your Access Points can also be connected here.


    Depending on your needs and your current network design, you can use WifiGem in different configurations. You can also use WifiGem in more than one configuration simultaneously.


    The Cloud architecture allows you to manage Access Points on your LAN or over the Internet. WifiGem also supports Access Points on the 4G/5G mobile network. As a service provider, you can build your Cloud and provide Captive Portal service to thirt parties.

WifiGem Cloud Services
WifiGem Dashboard example 3
Control and Security

    All the features of the Captive Portal are at your fingertips through the Dashboard, a powerful control panel that allows you monitor connections in real-time, view statistics and manage users, access points and login pages.


    Your security is our top priority. With WifiGem, the Guest network is separate from your Business network, to avoid the risk of a cyber attack or an accidental intrusion. Your Access Points are not exposed to hackers, since user authentication is performed on the WifiGem server.

Who uses WifiGem



Public places that provide free WiFi are the customers' first choice.

Let your customers surf the web as long as they are in your restaurant and no further.

Promote your business on their mobile devices, show the menu and the daily specials. Reward the loyalty of those who return by offering a prize or a discount.

Ask their Likes, invite them to visit your pages on social media and speak about you. WifiGem is definitely the best restaurant wifi solution.

Coffe Shops

Coffe Shops

In the traditional meeting place of students and professionals a WiFi connection is a must.

Your customers will appreciate the advanced solution that you offer for their connection needs.

You can adjust the WiFi access parameters based on the average duration of the time they spend at your premises, to encourage repeated customers and simultaneously promote a turnover.



To target stylish customers, offer them a high-standing WiFi service. Promote events, parties, special nights on the captive portal login page.

WiFi service is a must, not something that customers should ask for. With Social Media Login, you have the freedom not to give the login password to hundreds of customers every day, and customers have the freedom to login without asking for it.

Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts

Upon check-in, give your customer the login password, which will be valid for the duration of his stay. You don't have to worry about the customers who leave, because their access will automatically expire.

Manage conferences and events keeping the WiFi access separate from the hotel guests. You can reserve one or more access points to the event and create a temporary access dedicated to it.



You can choose to provide your employees and guests with a WiFi connection for their personal devices, or even use captive portal authentication for their work devices. If you configure the connection to your LDAP server, you don't need to take care of user accounts. By connecting your LAN in bridge with the WifiGem server, you can benefit from the built-in Web Filter. You can connect wireless and wired devices in this way.

Taxis and Car Rentals

Taxis and Car Rentals

Offer passengers in your vehicle fleet a complimentary WiFi service. No one else, except your customers, will benefit from this service because the WiFi is only open for them, and only for the duration of their trip. For car rentals, the WiFi service on board can represent the difference between closing a deal or not.

Schools and Colleges

Schools and Colleges

Internet access dedicated to teaching is no longer an opportunity for students to gain unlimited access to the Internet. You can create credentials for each class, deciding when each class can connect based on the teachers' needs. Teachers will have custom credentials and fewer restrictions.

Promote your Institute by providing access to the official website without the need for visitors to provide credentials.

In colleges, you can create custom access profiles with a prescribed amount of hours to be used in the semester.


Shops and Malls

With WifiGem you can move from unknown to well known customers. Grant access via social network and manage to know your customers, contact them to thank them for shopping at your venune and try to retain them by inviting them to return for a discount.

Promote agreements with neighbor shopkeepers, to create a unique WifiGem network.

In a mall it is crucial to know the type of customers, the frequency and time of their stay. This data, together with other statistical information already available to the mall, are a precious asset to increase sales.



Cinema and more. By providing access to the WiFi through social networks, you'll get the loyalty of your customers, providing you the opportunity to contact them. So you'll be able to offer special discounts, bundled with restaurants or arcades.

Push the purchase of tickets online within the multiplex itself. You will need fewer staff at the box office.

Beauty Salons

Beauty Salons

Anyone passing by is a potential customer. Let those who come within the range of your WiFi network connect to it. Offer a free treatment as a welcome, invite them to browse your website.

Followup those who are already your customers or those who do come back often.

Beach Resorts

Beach Resorts

Extra services make the difference between a standard bathhouse and a modern Beach Resort. Offer free WiFi to your customers for a few hours a day, with access via social networks.

Get in touch with them later in the day to advertise the bar or restaurant that they hadn't thought of.

Fitness Centers

Gyms and Fitness Centers

Your customers will be able to get into the fitness app with their mobile device and your WifiGem network.

You can also create access profiles with an amount of hours corresponding to their subscription.

Get in touch with your customers at the beginning of the season to offer a subscription more attractive than your competitors.


Sports Grounds and Arenas

Grant access to your WiFi via social networks throughout the duration of the sporting event. You will acquire a large number of new users.

Promote agreements with shops or service providers around you to advertise their products or services on your customers' mobiles.

Professional Firms

Professional Firms

In a waiting room, taking the mobile device and connecting to the Internet is a normal instinct. Opening the favourite social media, reading email, surfing the web.

With WifiGem you can provide your customers with one or two hours free access to the Internet to better fill the time while waiting.